Saturday 24 October 2015

I Found a ₹1000 note on the Ground....

A few days ago I was going to the market to buy some vegetables and grocery. While walking on the way i was recalling the things I was supposed to buy from the market. But then suddenly I found something unusual, it was a ₹1000 note laying on the ground. I was amused at first as it was a high denomination note. There was a grin on my face as there was no one nearby. At first I thought may be God was too kind enough to bless me with this money so that I could do some shopping for myself. But then I realized, 'No' it was wrong on my part to keep someone else's hard earned money for myself. I started thinking that in today's world its really hard to earn money and the owner of that ₹1000 note would be surely worried if he is aware about his lost note.
Then I decided that if I succeed in finding the owner of that note I would return it to him after verifying his identity, if not then I would divide the money among the poor. But as I walked few steps ahead, I saw an old man who was deliberately searching for something on the road. I walked towards him and asked him was everything alright? He then narrated me the incident about how he lost his ₹1000 note. I was convinced with his facts and without delaying i handed over his ₹1000 note to him. He was really happy and blessed me for my honesty. I was really satisfied that i was able to trace the man and handover his hard earned money to him. The blessings what I earned that day can never be valued in terms of money. I truly believe that helping others is like helping ourselves.

The One Person From Whom I Learnt The Most

Today i would like to share with everyone about that one person from whom i learnt the most. She is none other than my Mom. She has been my superhero since my childhood. She is my teacher, my role model, my friend, my everything. She has taught me the values of life, how be to happy with whatever we have. She has always encouraged me to face all the difficulties in life and win at all the situations. Whenever i was low, she was my confidence and always made sure i'm succeeding. I have seen her sacrificing many things for the happiness of the family. I can never forget those days when i used to fall ill, she would stay up all night just to make sure i'm alright, If i'm a good human being that's all because of my Mom. She has looked after me for so many years, now its my time to give her all the happiness she deserves. Mothers are always known for spreading happiness and soft at heart. I always wonder, if there were no Mothers how would the world exist? 

Sunday 11 October 2015

My First Blog

Hello everyone :) Let me just briefly introduce myself.
My name is Nabeel Shaikh. Presently pursuing my Masters at Justice K.S Hegde Institute of Management, Nitte. I love gadgets and helping those in need. Since few months i have been doing some sort of social works. A simple act of caring creates an endless ripple. :)
Writing a Blog is something what i have never done before, but i know this is the right platform to reach the world at large. Looking forward to share my ideas and experiences with everyone.
Signing off for today. Stay tuned :)