Saturday 24 October 2015

I Found a ₹1000 note on the Ground....

A few days ago I was going to the market to buy some vegetables and grocery. While walking on the way i was recalling the things I was supposed to buy from the market. But then suddenly I found something unusual, it was a ₹1000 note laying on the ground. I was amused at first as it was a high denomination note. There was a grin on my face as there was no one nearby. At first I thought may be God was too kind enough to bless me with this money so that I could do some shopping for myself. But then I realized, 'No' it was wrong on my part to keep someone else's hard earned money for myself. I started thinking that in today's world its really hard to earn money and the owner of that ₹1000 note would be surely worried if he is aware about his lost note.
Then I decided that if I succeed in finding the owner of that note I would return it to him after verifying his identity, if not then I would divide the money among the poor. But as I walked few steps ahead, I saw an old man who was deliberately searching for something on the road. I walked towards him and asked him was everything alright? He then narrated me the incident about how he lost his ₹1000 note. I was convinced with his facts and without delaying i handed over his ₹1000 note to him. He was really happy and blessed me for my honesty. I was really satisfied that i was able to trace the man and handover his hard earned money to him. The blessings what I earned that day can never be valued in terms of money. I truly believe that helping others is like helping ourselves.

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