Saturday 24 October 2015

The One Person From Whom I Learnt The Most

Today i would like to share with everyone about that one person from whom i learnt the most. She is none other than my Mom. She has been my superhero since my childhood. She is my teacher, my role model, my friend, my everything. She has taught me the values of life, how be to happy with whatever we have. She has always encouraged me to face all the difficulties in life and win at all the situations. Whenever i was low, she was my confidence and always made sure i'm succeeding. I have seen her sacrificing many things for the happiness of the family. I can never forget those days when i used to fall ill, she would stay up all night just to make sure i'm alright, If i'm a good human being that's all because of my Mom. She has looked after me for so many years, now its my time to give her all the happiness she deserves. Mothers are always known for spreading happiness and soft at heart. I always wonder, if there were no Mothers how would the world exist? 

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