Monday 16 November 2015

Annual review

Today, at this point of time i look back into my previous year and recall the incidents that occurred, the experiences i gained. At the beginning of every year we take up new resolutions but hardly we keep up with them. All we need to have is confidence in us and face the world boldly.
  • What went well....
    As we gain maturity we start understanding things very well. I learnt the art of giving. I learnt from my every mistake and started to live life positively.
  • What did not go well....
    At times i lost my calm and had quarrel with my friends which had created problems between me and my friends. Then i realized to keep calm, sometimes we need to keep quiet even though the other person is wrong. It makes us a better person indeed.
  • Plans for next year....
  • I would want to have more interaction with people and be social. 
  • I would seize all the opportunities which would help me develop my skills. 
  • I want to visit new places and explore new things. 
  • I want to take part in new activities and achieve recognition and experience.

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