Friday 1 January 2016

Chapter 10

Elaboration: How to Develop your flow of thoughts 
Summary: The thoughts can be put into sentences by using images through picture words and connectors. Words combine to form images. Then images combine to form sentences. Then sentences combine to form core ideas and their elaborations. Grammar is the tool we used to tie all our ideas together.

New things that I learnt in this chapter
  • What is the core idea
  • How is it elaborated 
  • How is it summarized 
  • How is it transferred to write core ideas
  • Meaning of logic 
Things I already knew about that are given in the chapter
  • Process of developing flow of thought from sentence to sentence is called elaboration.
  • Emphasis on certain thoughts can be made to stand out if they have their own paragraph.
  • Both grammar and connector are concerned with one goal to transfer thought into other's mind.
  • Instruction is a process of teaching someone how to perform a task.
Mistakes made when answering the questions given at the end of the chapter
There was difficulty in finding the answers. So referred my group members.

Concept applied to other subjects
I can relate it to the assignment we had got in Financial Accounting, me along my group members had to choose a company and answer the questions by referring the Annual Report of that company.

Chapter 9

How to use Clarity Principle....
Summary: This chapter tells us how to build wit,clarity,symbolism and suspense into our writing. The principle of clarity is being stated in this chapter.

New things that I learnt in this chapter

  • Planned ambiguity is nothing but suspense.
  • Pivot words are special title to multiple meaning word.
  • Meaning of symbolism.
  • Meaning of allegory.
  • Once we see the course of this wit, we can start seeking out such pivot words too.
Things I already knew about that are given in the chapter
  • Grammar imperceptibility blends into literature.
  • Different kind of meaning was chosen to give different effect.
  • A humor can be added by giving twist to clarity principle.
Mistakes made when answering the questions given at the end of the chapter
There were confusions while finding the answers in a hurry.

Concept applied to other subjects
This can be applied to Marketing Management.

Chapter 8

How to Write Clearly...
Summary: This chapter emphasizes on the clarity of communicating our thoughts. Picture words and connecting words, both are very essential part of a sentence. When there is clear communication there will be direct connection with the listener.

New things that i learnt in this chapter

  • We should remove the word that causes misrepresentation.
  • If the sentences are not framed well with use of picture words and connecting words there high chances of misunderstanding.
  • If our images are understood by the reader then our sentences are clear. 
Things I already knew about that are given in the chapter
  • When there is unclear information, people tend to dislike it.
  • Most of the picture words have more than one meaning.
  • There must be clarity in the communication.
  • The reader must know the appropriate image to be used in a sentence.
Mistakes made when answering the questions given at the end of the chapter
I skipped a few questions in this chapter.

Concept applied to other subjects
I would relate this to the exams. When we write exam, the answers must be clear and precise. The answers must contain all the clear facts.

Chapter 7

How to avoid Monotony...
Summary: This chapter tells us to do the opposite process. It teaches us how to take sentences so repetitious and short that they were annoying the reader and transform them into longer sentences.

New things that I learnt in this chapter

  • Simplicity is always vital than variety.
  • It taught me the ways to avoid monotony.
  • Too much monotony can get the listeners annoyed.
Things I Already knew knew about that were given in the chapter
  • Repetition grabs attention of the listeners.
  • Language is a powerful and flexible tool.
  • Emphasis allows us to shorten them.
Mistakes made when answering the questions given at the end of the chapter
There were few mistakes committed.

Concept applied to other subjects 
I believe this concept cannot be applied to our subjects.

Chapter 6

How to Write Simply- So That Anyone Can Understand Your Most Complicated Thoughts
Summary: This chapter tells us that how our sentences must be simple,clear,predictable and complete so that it is understood by every listener. Complicated sentences are very tough to understand, so we must make sure that our sentences are simple and clear.

New things that I learnt in this chapter
  • Dependents are tool for simplification of our thoughts.
  • Repetition is an important tool in eliminating over loaded sentence and overloaded images.
  • If we include more images the sentence can be simplified.
  • The connector gives stronger tie.
Things I already knew about that were given in the chapter
  • Short sentences are easy to understand.
  • The longer the sentence, more number of complications.
  • A sentence must be simple and clear.
Mistakes made when answering the questions given at the end of the chapter
This was very complicated chapter. Finding answers to the questions was really being tough. But when things get tough, we put in more efforts.

Concept applied to other subjects
I would like to relate this to Organisational Behavior assignment in which we get strict guidelines that our sentences must be clear and simple and should not exceed the said limit.

Chapter 5

How to Choose the Right Length for Your Sentences
Summary: This chapter tells us that the sentences that we form must not be too lengthy. The sentences must be short, precise and clear. When there is over crowding of words the quality of that sentence comes down. The sentence must be able to make sense.

New things that I learnt in this chapter
  • The sentences that we frame must not be too lengthy.
  • Even if there is no actor-word or action-word we can still understand it.
  • An effective communication can be made through one word as well.
  • Sentences get more of its meaning from its preceding sentences.
Things I already knew about that were given in the chapter
  • The shorter the sentence, the higher will be its understanding.
  • Our sentences must be clear and meaningful.
  • If our sentence is too lengthy then we can break it into shorter sentences.
Mistakes made when answering the questions given at the end of the chapter
Many questions were not direct so had written wrong answers. The questions were not clear.

Concept applied to other subjects
This can be applied to all the subjects. During exam we must write correct answers and not too lengthy. If the answers are too long then the evaluator may not read the whole answer and may award less marks. If the answers are written efficiently according to the guidelines then there every chance to score higher marks.

Chapter 4

How to Link your Sentences Together 
Summary: This chapter tells us about the importance of the connectors that we can use after every sentence. They enable us to carry forward the thoughts of whole sentences in a single word. The 3 types of connectors are: Linking Connector, Condensing Connector, Non-Word Connector (Punctuation, Marking)

New things that I learnt in this chapter
  • Punctuation marks act as connector.
  • The first thought do not need any connector.
  • It is important to give our listener as much thought as possible.
  • Any changes must be communicated in advance.
Things I already knew about that were given in the chapter
  • The second sentence always starts with a connector.
  • There must not be repetition in our speech.
  • The linking connector connects two or more sentences.
  • When there is repetition it causes irritation to the listener.
  • Our thoughts and images must be presented to other people.
Mistakes made when answering the questions given at the end of the chapter
There were confusions with few questions but then eventually i got the answers.

Concept applied to other subjects
I would again like to link this with presentations in class. When we have presentations in class we always expect good presentation from everybody. When someone starts repeating the same content again and again then the presentation loses its quality and there will be no impact on the listeners.

Chapter 3

How to build understanding into every sentence you use
Summary: This chapter tells us how to combine picture word and connecting words together and form a sentence. It tells us how a conversation can be made easy by combining these concepts. Two or more person may have same image but the words they would use may differ from each other.

New things that i learnt in this chapter

  • There must be clear connection between the words that we use.
  • It is difficult for human beings to remember many words.
  • The picture words are more easier and convenient to use.
  • Open ended sentences are just introductory to what will be your next statement.
Things I already knew about that were given in the chapter
  • We should be clear in the message that we convey.
  • If the sentences are too long, we can short the number of words used in that sentence.
  • When we communicate something we have a clear image of that in our mind.
  • If the communication is not clear then there will be misunderstandings.
Mistakes made when answering the questions given at the end of the chapter
The answers were mostly direct but as I was hurrying at the beginning, i did not find them. Then I took my time and started finding answer slowly and i found them all. 

Concept applied to other subjects
This will help me in remembering the subjects during exam time. If I have a clear image about the contents and subject matters of the concepts, I need not by heart the answers. 

Chapter 2

How to Put These Two Word parts together to write a single sentence
Summary: This chapter tells us about in order to frame a sentence we need to put words together appropriately. The message of our communication must be conveyed properly. Two sentences, phrases and words can be connected with the use of connecting words. When there is a clear picture of what we want to communicate then there will be no issues. Our communication must be clear and there must be a pause in our speech wherever necessary else the other person may not be able to understand what are we talking.

New Things that I learnt in this chapter
  • There must be proper relationship between the picture words and the connecting words.
  • Our ideas must be clearly communicated.
  • When there is clear communication there will be no misunderstanding.
  • The picture words and connected words must be blended together in order to present clear ideas.
Things I already knew about, that were given in the chapter
  • We must give a pause in our speech whenever necessary.
  • The thinking process differs from one person to another.
  • When we think of picture words, a clear picture comes to our mind.
  • If we speak continuously without any break, then there will be lot of confusions.
Mistakes made when answering the questions given at the end of the chapter
  • Found it difficult while answering some questions.
  • Some of the terms were very complicated.
  • The concepts were not clear so had to read them again to understand better.
Concept that I used to correct blog posts that I have already written
  • I can write my blogs more fluently. 
  • All the content must be connected.
Concept applied to other subjects
This will be very useful during the presentations and seminars. The picture words and connected words in our mind must be carefully blended together and a confident presentation must be presented. There speech must be clear and there must be pause between sentences wherever necessary.

Chapter 1

The Two Main Parts of Grammar 
Summary: This is the first chapter of the book 'Brilliance Breakthrough' by Eugene M. Schwartz. The first chapter of this book tells us to forget everything about grammar that was taught to us in our school because the old grammar doesn't hold good now. There are two different kinds of words:
1. Picture Word
   It means during a conversation or while listening to somebody we hear some words which automatically creates the image of that word in our mind.
2. Connecting Word
   In this we do not see any picture in our mind. Unless we do not put them into sentences we do not see any picture.

New things that I learnt in this chapter
  • I learnt about the Concept and definition of Picture Word and the Connecting Word about which i never knew before.
  • The grammar that we were taught in our school was wrong.
  • I need not worry more about the noun,pronoun,verb etc.
Things I already knew about, that were given in the chapter
  • In the actual sense all that matters is how well we communicate and not old bookish knowledge.
  • We cannot see anything when we hear connecting words.
Mistakes made when answering the questions given at the end of the chapter
  • Certain questions were difficult to answer
  • I was clueless about some answers
Concept that I used to correct blog posts that i have already written
As i blog about food and various cuisines, i was able to use the picture word concept to explain more about those delicacies.

Concept applied to other subjects
The picture word concept will be very useful in most of my subjects. For example: I can apply this concept to Organisational Behavior subject because when our professor explains us about an organisation the whole picture of an organisation comes to our mind.