Friday 1 January 2016

Chapter 5

How to Choose the Right Length for Your Sentences
Summary: This chapter tells us that the sentences that we form must not be too lengthy. The sentences must be short, precise and clear. When there is over crowding of words the quality of that sentence comes down. The sentence must be able to make sense.

New things that I learnt in this chapter
  • The sentences that we frame must not be too lengthy.
  • Even if there is no actor-word or action-word we can still understand it.
  • An effective communication can be made through one word as well.
  • Sentences get more of its meaning from its preceding sentences.
Things I already knew about that were given in the chapter
  • The shorter the sentence, the higher will be its understanding.
  • Our sentences must be clear and meaningful.
  • If our sentence is too lengthy then we can break it into shorter sentences.
Mistakes made when answering the questions given at the end of the chapter
Many questions were not direct so had written wrong answers. The questions were not clear.

Concept applied to other subjects
This can be applied to all the subjects. During exam we must write correct answers and not too lengthy. If the answers are too long then the evaluator may not read the whole answer and may award less marks. If the answers are written efficiently according to the guidelines then there every chance to score higher marks.

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