Friday 1 January 2016

Chapter 3

How to build understanding into every sentence you use
Summary: This chapter tells us how to combine picture word and connecting words together and form a sentence. It tells us how a conversation can be made easy by combining these concepts. Two or more person may have same image but the words they would use may differ from each other.

New things that i learnt in this chapter

  • There must be clear connection between the words that we use.
  • It is difficult for human beings to remember many words.
  • The picture words are more easier and convenient to use.
  • Open ended sentences are just introductory to what will be your next statement.
Things I already knew about that were given in the chapter
  • We should be clear in the message that we convey.
  • If the sentences are too long, we can short the number of words used in that sentence.
  • When we communicate something we have a clear image of that in our mind.
  • If the communication is not clear then there will be misunderstandings.
Mistakes made when answering the questions given at the end of the chapter
The answers were mostly direct but as I was hurrying at the beginning, i did not find them. Then I took my time and started finding answer slowly and i found them all. 

Concept applied to other subjects
This will help me in remembering the subjects during exam time. If I have a clear image about the contents and subject matters of the concepts, I need not by heart the answers. 

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