Friday 1 January 2016

Chapter 2

How to Put These Two Word parts together to write a single sentence
Summary: This chapter tells us about in order to frame a sentence we need to put words together appropriately. The message of our communication must be conveyed properly. Two sentences, phrases and words can be connected with the use of connecting words. When there is a clear picture of what we want to communicate then there will be no issues. Our communication must be clear and there must be a pause in our speech wherever necessary else the other person may not be able to understand what are we talking.

New Things that I learnt in this chapter
  • There must be proper relationship between the picture words and the connecting words.
  • Our ideas must be clearly communicated.
  • When there is clear communication there will be no misunderstanding.
  • The picture words and connected words must be blended together in order to present clear ideas.
Things I already knew about, that were given in the chapter
  • We must give a pause in our speech whenever necessary.
  • The thinking process differs from one person to another.
  • When we think of picture words, a clear picture comes to our mind.
  • If we speak continuously without any break, then there will be lot of confusions.
Mistakes made when answering the questions given at the end of the chapter
  • Found it difficult while answering some questions.
  • Some of the terms were very complicated.
  • The concepts were not clear so had to read them again to understand better.
Concept that I used to correct blog posts that I have already written
  • I can write my blogs more fluently. 
  • All the content must be connected.
Concept applied to other subjects
This will be very useful during the presentations and seminars. The picture words and connected words in our mind must be carefully blended together and a confident presentation must be presented. There speech must be clear and there must be pause between sentences wherever necessary.

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