Friday 1 January 2016

Chapter 1

The Two Main Parts of Grammar 
Summary: This is the first chapter of the book 'Brilliance Breakthrough' by Eugene M. Schwartz. The first chapter of this book tells us to forget everything about grammar that was taught to us in our school because the old grammar doesn't hold good now. There are two different kinds of words:
1. Picture Word
   It means during a conversation or while listening to somebody we hear some words which automatically creates the image of that word in our mind.
2. Connecting Word
   In this we do not see any picture in our mind. Unless we do not put them into sentences we do not see any picture.

New things that I learnt in this chapter
  • I learnt about the Concept and definition of Picture Word and the Connecting Word about which i never knew before.
  • The grammar that we were taught in our school was wrong.
  • I need not worry more about the noun,pronoun,verb etc.
Things I already knew about, that were given in the chapter
  • In the actual sense all that matters is how well we communicate and not old bookish knowledge.
  • We cannot see anything when we hear connecting words.
Mistakes made when answering the questions given at the end of the chapter
  • Certain questions were difficult to answer
  • I was clueless about some answers
Concept that I used to correct blog posts that i have already written
As i blog about food and various cuisines, i was able to use the picture word concept to explain more about those delicacies.

Concept applied to other subjects
The picture word concept will be very useful in most of my subjects. For example: I can apply this concept to Organisational Behavior subject because when our professor explains us about an organisation the whole picture of an organisation comes to our mind.

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