Friday 1 January 2016

Chapter 8

How to Write Clearly...
Summary: This chapter emphasizes on the clarity of communicating our thoughts. Picture words and connecting words, both are very essential part of a sentence. When there is clear communication there will be direct connection with the listener.

New things that i learnt in this chapter

  • We should remove the word that causes misrepresentation.
  • If the sentences are not framed well with use of picture words and connecting words there high chances of misunderstanding.
  • If our images are understood by the reader then our sentences are clear. 
Things I already knew about that are given in the chapter
  • When there is unclear information, people tend to dislike it.
  • Most of the picture words have more than one meaning.
  • There must be clarity in the communication.
  • The reader must know the appropriate image to be used in a sentence.
Mistakes made when answering the questions given at the end of the chapter
I skipped a few questions in this chapter.

Concept applied to other subjects
I would relate this to the exams. When we write exam, the answers must be clear and precise. The answers must contain all the clear facts.

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