Friday 1 January 2016

Chapter 4

How to Link your Sentences Together 
Summary: This chapter tells us about the importance of the connectors that we can use after every sentence. They enable us to carry forward the thoughts of whole sentences in a single word. The 3 types of connectors are: Linking Connector, Condensing Connector, Non-Word Connector (Punctuation, Marking)

New things that I learnt in this chapter
  • Punctuation marks act as connector.
  • The first thought do not need any connector.
  • It is important to give our listener as much thought as possible.
  • Any changes must be communicated in advance.
Things I already knew about that were given in the chapter
  • The second sentence always starts with a connector.
  • There must not be repetition in our speech.
  • The linking connector connects two or more sentences.
  • When there is repetition it causes irritation to the listener.
  • Our thoughts and images must be presented to other people.
Mistakes made when answering the questions given at the end of the chapter
There were confusions with few questions but then eventually i got the answers.

Concept applied to other subjects
I would again like to link this with presentations in class. When we have presentations in class we always expect good presentation from everybody. When someone starts repeating the same content again and again then the presentation loses its quality and there will be no impact on the listeners.

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