Friday 1 January 2016

Chapter 9

How to use Clarity Principle....
Summary: This chapter tells us how to build wit,clarity,symbolism and suspense into our writing. The principle of clarity is being stated in this chapter.

New things that I learnt in this chapter

  • Planned ambiguity is nothing but suspense.
  • Pivot words are special title to multiple meaning word.
  • Meaning of symbolism.
  • Meaning of allegory.
  • Once we see the course of this wit, we can start seeking out such pivot words too.
Things I already knew about that are given in the chapter
  • Grammar imperceptibility blends into literature.
  • Different kind of meaning was chosen to give different effect.
  • A humor can be added by giving twist to clarity principle.
Mistakes made when answering the questions given at the end of the chapter
There were confusions while finding the answers in a hurry.

Concept applied to other subjects
This can be applied to Marketing Management.

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