Wednesday 30 December 2015

Why do we love Chocolate?

Chocolate is the most popular sweets of all time. It tastes good and smells good as well. There is no doubt that it contains a lot of calories but still people crave for it. Chocolates are mostly loved by kids who wouldn't mind eating it all day long. People exchange chocolates as present during birthdays, occasions etc. It is important to remember not to over indulge in chocolate. It can cause health damage and obesity if we consume it in large quantities. 

Which are the most popular cuisines in South Canara?

The South Canara region is filled with diverse culture and traditions. But there is one thing that is common among the people and that's the love towards the mouth-watering regional delicacies. Coconut and curry leaves are the commonly used ingredients. One can choose from variety of dishes. The most loved among these are Mangalorean Buns, Biscuit roti, golibaje etc. People love to eat this during their snack time. When talking about the non vegetarian cuisine, the first thing that flashes in anybody's mind is 'Kori-Roti. It is a spicy dish, a combination of red-chilly based chicken curry and crisp dry wafers made from boiled rice.

What happens if we skip meals?

In today's scenario, skipping meals has become a trend. It may be due to lack of time or even because of diet consciousness. But it comes with its own disadvantages. Skipping meals causes indigestion problem & it also slows down the metabolism & makes us feel tired. Skipping meals tends to create more addiction towards junk food. Eventually it leads to improper balance of the body. For a person to be healthy, every meal must be consumed on time. As food is source of our energy it makes us healthy and gives energy. 

Why do people prefer Roti over Rice during dinner?

People now a days are diet conscious so they prefer roti over rice because rice contains high calories. 100 grams of rice is equivalent to 86 grams of sugar which is bad kind of carbohydrate and contains high fat but roti is made from wheat flour which can also be prepared low in fat by avoiding ghee or butter. Rotis are rich source of fiber. Fiber is very essential to maintain comfortable movement bowels. The another reason why people choose not to consume high calories because digestion process in our body will be very slow during night time because we do not indulge in any kind of physical activities that would burn our calories. 

Can Fast Food really be healthy?

In today's era, when a person is hungry the first thing they think of is Fast Food. People are very obsessed with fast food. It is cheap, tasty and very convenient. But it is also loaded with calories, sugar, sodium and fat. The fast food stalls which we usually see in the streets usually do not maintain hygiene, but people still prefer to go there as they are convenient and save time. The owners of the fast food chains must look after the hygiene of the shop. When there is no proper cleanliness, it gives birth to new diseases. As they say, ''Health is Wealth''. Man has to look after his health because without proper health he cannot work efficiently.  

Monday 23 November 2015

Mangalore Bajji/Golibaje

Mangalore Bajji is a popular food made from maida, curd, gram flour, rice flour, chopped onion, coriander leaves, coconut, jeera, green chillies and salt. These ingredients are mixed thoroughly and formed into a hard batter, then shaped into small ball and deep fried. It is popularly known a Golibaje. It was originated in mangalore and inshore towns in Karnataka. It is the most common and preferred tea time snack in this region. From kids' to the elderly's these have been loved by everyone. 'Woodlands Hotel' at Managalore serves one of the best Mangalore Bajjis. 

Seven Days Experiment - Day 7

After 6 days of my experiment on cooking, here comes the final day. As it was the last day today, i decided to cook something special. I decided to cook chicken curry. So i started with the basic preparations and after a while i thought let me try preparing roti again which i was not able to prepare yesterday. I prepared the chicken curry and then was trying to prepare roti. To my surprise, the dough was better in form when compared to the previous day. I prepared the roti. Though it was not in proper shape, it was good. The chicken curry tasted delicious. I learnt many new things in these seven days. It was a great experience and i wish to continue my urge of cooking in future as well. 

Sunday 22 November 2015

Seven Days Experiment - Day 6

Today i was really confused about what to cook, then i came to the conclusion that i will cook Roti. I knew it wasn't so easy and but i thought i would be able to make it soon. But no, i was wrong. It was very difficult for me to make the dough. I had mistakenly put more water and it ended up being too sticky. I did not want to waste it so i asked my mom to take over. I was really disappointed, but then it was my first time and i have the belief in me that in coming days i will surely learn to make Roti. All we need is determination and a motive to achieve our goal.

Saturday 21 November 2015

Seven Days Experiment - Day 5

All these days i was trying to cook food items, so today i thought of preparing fresh juice. As there was watermelon at home, i decided to prepare watermelon juice. I sliced the watermelon and removed the seeds from it. Then i put those slices into the juicer, added a little water n milk. The juice was really refreshing. 

Friday 20 November 2015

Seven Days Experiment - Day 4

Yet another day with lots of positive vibes. Today i was really confused about what to try cooking. After a while i came up with the idea of cooking potato fritters. I peeled the potato and sliced them, i also prepared chickpeas batter and added salt, chilly powder and cumin seeds . Then i dipped the potato slices into the batter and deep fried them. After they were ready, i served them hot with tomato ketchup. It was very tasty indeed. 

Thursday 19 November 2015

Seven Days Experiment - Day 3

Today i prepared tea for the first time. I always wanted to learn to prepare tea but never took it so seriously. But with this new interest of cooking gives me motivation to cook. I served the tea to my mother and sister. They were smiling at me wondering about the changes in me. It was a great experience.

Tuesday 17 November 2015

Seven Days Experiment - Day 2

      Today i returned back home from college around 6.00pm. I was feeling very hungry and started looking for snacks, but then i realized this was the right opportunity for me to learn more about cooking. So i decided to cook something. I was really confused about what to cook, i opened the fridge and found some eggs. So i decided to cook omelet.
      I started chopping a little onion and green chilly, mixed it with egg, added salt and pepper powder and spread it over the frying pan. I roasted 2 slices of bread as well. It was cooked withing 5 mins. I shared it with my mom and she appreciated my efforts. I was happy and satisfied with the result. 

Monday 16 November 2015

Seven Days Experiment - Day 1

        Through this seven days experiment i have decided to experiment on something which i haven't before on a serious note. So i have decided to experiment on my cooking skills. For the next 7 days i'm going to learn the basics of cooking under the guidance of my mom and would try my best to turn out be a good cook.
         Today was the first day so i learnt how to peel and chop vegetables and avoided wastage. I was testing my patience as the longer it was taking to peel the vegetable i was being impatient. So i decided peel the vegetables off calmly. The toughest task was chopping onions because it sheds you into tears. I wondered it was very easy to sit and eat, but chopping these onions require much more efforts. It was a good experience and i had lot of fun.

Annual review

Today, at this point of time i look back into my previous year and recall the incidents that occurred, the experiences i gained. At the beginning of every year we take up new resolutions but hardly we keep up with them. All we need to have is confidence in us and face the world boldly.
  • What went well....
    As we gain maturity we start understanding things very well. I learnt the art of giving. I learnt from my every mistake and started to live life positively.
  • What did not go well....
    At times i lost my calm and had quarrel with my friends which had created problems between me and my friends. Then i realized to keep calm, sometimes we need to keep quiet even though the other person is wrong. It makes us a better person indeed.
  • Plans for next year....
  • I would want to have more interaction with people and be social. 
  • I would seize all the opportunities which would help me develop my skills. 
  • I want to visit new places and explore new things. 
  • I want to take part in new activities and achieve recognition and experience.

Sunday 15 November 2015

A day in the Life of Nabeel Shaikh

           Each day is a new experience. We learn new things every single day. Some days are bad while most of the days are good, it all depends on our perception. We all need to say strong and face the life confidently. Today, i would like to share about the random things i do in a day.
           I wake up everyday at 6:30am. The first thing i do login to Instagram,Facebook,Whatsapp and go through the news feed and reply to texts if i have received any. Then i go through online news and read the top stories. Then i get up from bed, i take bath and have my breakfast. After having my breakfast around 7:45am i get ready to go college. Then i leave for my college around 8:00am.
           The regular classes begins at 9:00am. I try my best to concentrate throughout the class and clear my doubts if any arises. At 12:00pm we get lunch break. I go to canteen to eat my lunch along with my friends. We return back around 12:30pm. After returning we all will be having fun in class chatting and teasing each other.
           The afternoon session starts at 1.00pm and extends till the timetable specified on that particular day. Sometimes the classes extends up to 6:00pm. After reaching home i get fresh and go out if there are any home related work to be done. After i return back home i go through things i did in the whole day and complete if there are any pending assignments. I eat my dinner around 9:30pm and around 10:00pm i go to my room. Then i go through online news and read the top stories of the day. After i'm done reading the news, i login to youtube and watch the trending videos. Before i sleep i go through social networking sites again. I usually fall asleep around 12:00am.
            So this was a day in my life, in a nutshell.

Saturday 24 October 2015

I Found a ₹1000 note on the Ground....

A few days ago I was going to the market to buy some vegetables and grocery. While walking on the way i was recalling the things I was supposed to buy from the market. But then suddenly I found something unusual, it was a ₹1000 note laying on the ground. I was amused at first as it was a high denomination note. There was a grin on my face as there was no one nearby. At first I thought may be God was too kind enough to bless me with this money so that I could do some shopping for myself. But then I realized, 'No' it was wrong on my part to keep someone else's hard earned money for myself. I started thinking that in today's world its really hard to earn money and the owner of that ₹1000 note would be surely worried if he is aware about his lost note.
Then I decided that if I succeed in finding the owner of that note I would return it to him after verifying his identity, if not then I would divide the money among the poor. But as I walked few steps ahead, I saw an old man who was deliberately searching for something on the road. I walked towards him and asked him was everything alright? He then narrated me the incident about how he lost his ₹1000 note. I was convinced with his facts and without delaying i handed over his ₹1000 note to him. He was really happy and blessed me for my honesty. I was really satisfied that i was able to trace the man and handover his hard earned money to him. The blessings what I earned that day can never be valued in terms of money. I truly believe that helping others is like helping ourselves.

The One Person From Whom I Learnt The Most

Today i would like to share with everyone about that one person from whom i learnt the most. She is none other than my Mom. She has been my superhero since my childhood. She is my teacher, my role model, my friend, my everything. She has taught me the values of life, how be to happy with whatever we have. She has always encouraged me to face all the difficulties in life and win at all the situations. Whenever i was low, she was my confidence and always made sure i'm succeeding. I have seen her sacrificing many things for the happiness of the family. I can never forget those days when i used to fall ill, she would stay up all night just to make sure i'm alright, If i'm a good human being that's all because of my Mom. She has looked after me for so many years, now its my time to give her all the happiness she deserves. Mothers are always known for spreading happiness and soft at heart. I always wonder, if there were no Mothers how would the world exist? 

Sunday 11 October 2015

My First Blog

Hello everyone :) Let me just briefly introduce myself.
My name is Nabeel Shaikh. Presently pursuing my Masters at Justice K.S Hegde Institute of Management, Nitte. I love gadgets and helping those in need. Since few months i have been doing some sort of social works. A simple act of caring creates an endless ripple. :)
Writing a Blog is something what i have never done before, but i know this is the right platform to reach the world at large. Looking forward to share my ideas and experiences with everyone.
Signing off for today. Stay tuned :)